
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dilemma last night Anne informs me of the night of her high school band concert. Wouldn't you know it....I have an elementary concert that same night. What to do? I have been late to or missed every single one of Anne's concerts this year.

The elementary concert is one have played for three years in a row. The written music is only a melody line. I have made up all the accompaniment, and of course have never written it down. So finding another accompanist at this late date is out of the question. (This teacher asked me to play this concert in November.)

So do I miss another one of Anne's concerts, or leave 200 kids singing a cappella?


kellie said...

Definitely go to Anne's concert! The music person will just have to find someone else, you have ALWAYS come through for her I am sure!
Besides, who can predict all the way back in November what their schedule will be like in terms of family commitments, and family comes first. Just call her SOON to give her some time, she should have a backup anyways, good luck!

kellie said...

And another thing, if the only music they gave you was the melody that is their own fault!

The Huffs said...

amen... I would rather listen to Anne's concert anyway :) Love you Anne:)

Mindi said...

Seems like it should be such an easy answer, but the feeling of letting 200 kids down can weigh on you a bit I'm sure. I hope you can make a decision. I am definitely with Kelly on the melody thing. They get what they give.

dan and laura said...

that's tough. i would go to anne's concert. but ask the other teacher if she can make it a little earlier. would that be weird?

Andi said...

I wasn't going to comment because I didn't have any good advice. But, if you could transport your fingers and brain into mine, I'd be happy to play for you. :) But, since that's not going to happen... I'm not sure what I would do. Sorry, I'm no help.