
Monday, February 1, 2010

Pinewood Derby

Ah...Pinewood Derby time. Time for sanding, graphiting, painting, and giggling from my son because he named his car, "The Whale". After four pinewood derbies, Scott and Charlie seem to have the formula down. (With a lot of help from our friends the Hancocks.) Charlie was so excited about his car that was painted dark gray, and had eyes on the side.
Upon arrival, Don Hancock, (who ran a spectacular derby) asked if a couple of moms, including me, could be the judges. Hmmm...why not. Life got a little tough when Charlie started to win a lot of the races. I really didn't want to look biased.
Charlie won the award for the "Sleekest Paint Job."

Neck and Neck! One of those cars is Charlie's in one of the final races. I'm pretty sure I made the other two mothers call this one!

But after 16 races, Charlie came out on top. Here he is getting a round of applause!

Look at that 1st place medal. Looks great Charlie! Nice work. Now on to 11 Year Old Scouts in just about a month!

"The Whale!"


Mindi said...

I loved The Whale. It was so fun watching Charlie's smile get bigger and bigger as he kept winning. That medal does look great! Nathan will be sad that he only has a little bit time left in Webelos.

Mom not Mum (Sandy) said...

My boys kept questioning how "the whale" could be "sleekest" as well. Finally I was like - HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A WHALE SWIM? LOL They finally left it alone. The races were awesome and it was just cool how the finals turned out.

The Huffs said...

Way to go Charlie!! You will have to help Calvin when he gets his turn with the derby!

kidding...right? said...

Nice! I'll have to call for some pointers when Will and Ty start scouts.