
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ugh.... Socks

So, this is what I did for an hour and a half today. Find the matches to all these socks! Let me tell you... it was soooooooooooo boring. Plus, there is nothing interesting on TV on a Thursday morning so I ended up watching PBSkids. It was an interesting morning.......


dan and laura said...

i know how you feel Anne! You can come do mine if you want!! And congrats Elizabeth! No surprise here though :)

Lori Lou said...

That is one of my favorite things to do. Mate the missing me next time I will come and help and then we could play around of the bean game!

The Huffs said...

Anne... I am sure your mother was very appreciative! I need to fly you up here so you can do my laundry :)