We did a lot of things as a family this year! It was great to be together and make great memories!
Family Pictures (This was actually in 2012, but we never posted them)
We went to Lake Powell with a bunch of cousins over the summer!
Charles and I were in the Copper Thunder Marching Band, which is a district wide Marching Band, so Charles was able to do it even though he goes to a different High School than I do.
I cut off 18 inches of my hair and donated it to Locks of Love in October.

To top it all off, we went up to Kitt's Peak over the Christmas Break, along with a picnic in the middle of the desert (I loved it. Others may have not *wink* *wink*), seeing Saving Mr. Banks and Frozen, and to top it all off, eating tons of delicous mexican food. Family is great! Adios, 2013! Bienvenido 2014!